Import of Record manages every step of the import process, saving you time and resources while ensuring timely delivery of your goods.

Compliance with Local Regulations

IMPORT OF RECORD team has the experience and expertise navigating complex regulations and customs procedures in Tunisia and Morocco. Our team of experts ensures that your shipments comply with all relevant regulations, preventing costly delays and fines.
You don’t need a legal entity
Your partnership with IMPORT OF RECORD provides you with an on-ground consignee with all required legal permissions.
IOR services allow your company to import goods without an authorized business or legal entity because they act as the importer for customs purposes at the time of import.

Seamless Import and Export Procedures

Our end-to-end logistics solutions cover every step of the import and export process, from documentation and customs clearance to shipping and delivery with the the best IOR/EOR services in Tunisia and Morocco. This seamless process ensures that your shipments arrive at their destination on time and in perfect condition.
Ensures timely delivery
In international trade, there are possibilities for your goods getting stuck at customs checkpoints due to incorrect documentation or any other reason. Moreover, the process of collecting all necessary licenses for importing may take a few months. It may lead to unwanted and unforeseen delays.
However, ideal IOR services let you use the import licenses of an already existing company, which acts as a consignee instead of obtaining your licenses. Thus, you can start importing your goods immediately.

Increased Efficiency

Outsourcing your IOR/EOR logistics needs to IMPORT OF RECORD TUNISIA AND MORORCCO allows you to focus on your core business activities. We take care of all logistics-related tasks, saving you time, money, and resources.

Reduced Risk

Navigating complex customs procedures and regulations can be risky for businesses. IMPORT OF RECORD TUNISIA AND MOROCCO assumes responsibility for all aspects of the import and export process, reducing your exposure to risk and ensuring a smooth and seamless process.
